Alien Messages From Ufo Lights
Margaret Anne Harvey
Arthur H. Stockwell Limited (2010)
In Collection
Reference / Curiosities & Wonders
Paperback 9780722340509
I first became interested in UFO phenomena, after a very strange coincidence. In October 1997, my husband, Alan, and I saw a strange planet-like light from our window. It was followed by six flashing lights that went off in different directions. The planet-type light stayed still for several hours in the exact place where we had sighted a flying saucer in 1978. The flying saucer had remained static for three hours, buzzing away continually, but the planet-type light was silent. Since then I have seen many more strange UFO lights and monitored them closely, and I have had some terrifying and amazing experiences as a result. At times the lights have formed incredible images in the sky, some of which, I believe, are meant as warnings.
Product Details
Dewey 001.942092
No. of Pages 64
Height x Width 220  mm
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