Collezione Verga - Libri UFO esteri

Bad Astronomy

Bad UFOs

Ball Lighting - Paradox of Physics

Battle of Los Angeles - 1942: The Silent Invasion Begins

Beam me up

Before And After Roswell: The Flying Saucer In America, 1947-1999

Before U.F.O.'s, Contactees and abduction: the Wennergren Report

Behind the Flying Saucers

Behind the Flying Saucers

Behold A Pale Horse


Best UFO Cases - Europe

Beyond Area 31

Beyond earth

Beyond managing magic

Beyond my wildest dreams

Beyond our galaxy

Beyond Pascagoula

Beyond Roswell

Beyond The Light Barrier

Beyond UFO Secrecy

The Big Book Of Ufos

Biographical Encyclopedia of People in Ufology and Scientifi

Biological Anomalies - Mammals I

Biological anomalies: Birds

Biological Anomalies: Humans I

Biological Anomalies: Humans II

Biological Anomalies: Humans III

Biological Anomalies: Mammals II

Biometric Analysis of Flying Saucer Photographs

Black-out sur les Soucoupes Volantes

Body Snatchers in the desert

Braodcast Hysteria

Briefing for the landing on planet Earth

The Call Of The Weird

Calling UFOs

Camouflage Through Limited Disclosure: Deconstructing A Cover-Up Of The Extraterrestrial Presence

Can UFOs advance science?

Can you speak Venusian?

Canada's UFOs declassified

Captain Edward J Ruppelt

Captured by Aliens

Captured By Aliens?: A History And Analysis Of American Abduction Claims


Carolina Bays, Mima Sounds, Submarine Canyons

Case MJ-12

Casebook of a UFO investigator

Casebook on Alternative 3

Casebook On The Men In Black

Catalog of UFO-like Data before 1947

Catalogo de Observacoes de Humanoides na

Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures

CE-5 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

Celestial Passengers - UFO's & Space Travel

Celestial Secrets

Ces inconnus venus du ciel

Ces OVNI qui annoncent le surhomme

Ce-Vi: Close Encounters Of The Possession Kind--A Different Kind Of Interference Of Otherworldly Beings

Challenge to Science

Challenge to Science - The UFO Enigma

Charles Fort - Prophet of the Unexplained

Charles Fort. The Fortean Society & UFOs

Chasing Shadows - Aerial Ufo Encounters 1955-1956

Children Of Ezekiel: Aliens, Ufos, The Crisis Of Race, And The Advent Of End Time

Children of the Greys

Chosen - Recollections of UFO abductions

Chupacabra And The Roswell Ufo

Cielo Despejados

Cinema OVNI: el cinema del fenomeno OVNI

Circles From The Sky

Circular Evidence

Classification des temoins en function d

Classified alien UFO schematic documents

Clear intent

Close Encounters

Close Encounters - The strange truth about UFOs

Close Encounters at Kelly and others of 1955

Close Encounters of the Australasian Kind

Close Encounters Of The Fatal Kind

Close encounters of the foo fighter kind

Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind

Close encounters of the northern kind

Close Encounters Of The Old West

Close encounters of the phantom kind: the ghost airhip wave of 1896-1897 in the news

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE PHANTOM KIND: The Ghost Airship Wave Of 1896-1897

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Fotonovel)

Come Sail Away - UFO Phenomenon and the Bible


Complet idiot's guide to Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The Complete Book Of Aliens And Abductions

Compte rendu Lyon UFO congress

Confessions of a Turkish Ufologist



Connaisance des motifs de l'imagerie soucoupique dan les populations rurales de l'est algerien

Connections - Solving our alien abduction mystery

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