Collezione Verga - Libri UFO esteri

Humanoid Encounters 1980-1984

Humanoid Encounters 1985-1989

Humanoid Encounters 1990-1994

Humanoid Encounters 1995-1999

Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009

Humanoid Encounters 2010-2015

Humanoides Extraterrestres

Hungarian Ball Lightning Observations

Hunting Marfa Lights

Hypothèse Extra-Terrestre

I Remember Lemuria And The Return Of Sathanas

I rode a flying saucer

I saw it too

Identified Flying Object

Identified Flying Objects

If in Doubt, Blame the Aliens!

Illuminating The Darkness

Illuminations - The UFO experience as a parapsychology event

Imagining outer space

Impact to contact - The Shag Harbour incident

Impossible Yet it happened!

In Advance of the Landing - Folk Concepts of Outer Space

In Alien Heat

In de Ban van de Cirkel

In Focus - Photographic evidence of unconventional Flying Ob

In league with a UFO

In plain sight

In Search of Extraterrestrials

In search of real UFOs

Incidente en Manises

Incredible Life


Infrared UFOs

Inner Earth: a Search for Anomalies

Inside the black vault

Inside the Flying Saucers

inside the lighitning ball

Inside The Real Area 51

Inside the saucers

Inside the Space Ships

Inside the Space Ships

Inside UFOs - True accounts of contact

Intercept and identify: aerial UFO encounters 1953-1954

Intercept UFO

Intercept UFOs

Interceptadlos sin disparar

Interdisciplinary UFO Research

Intimate alien

Into the Fringe

Introducing UFOs


Invaders from outer space

Invasion Washington - UFOs over the Capitol

Invasores, Los

Investigacion OVNI

Investigating The Impossible

Investigating UFOs

Investigating UFOs

Investigating UFO's

Invisible Residents

Is another World Watching?

Is Something Up There ?

It defies language!

It didn't start with Roswell

It never happened - U.S. Air Force UFO Cover-Up revealed

It's raining Frogs and Fishes

J'ai percé le mystère des soucoupes volantes

J'ai vu un OVNI

Jesus Christ heir to the astronauts

Jfk & Ufo

John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and The Ongoing Mysteries

Keep Out!

Kennedy's Last Stand

Knowledge and the Production of Nonknowledge

La Astrologia sobre el Fenomeno OVNI

La autopsia extraterrestre - Un mito dentro del mito

La cara oculta de los OVNIS

La Chronique des OVNI

La Conspiration des Etoils

La Corse base d'OVNI

La fabuleuse histoire des Ovnis

La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. II

La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. IV

La gran ilusiòn extraterrestre

La Grande Peur Martienne

La invencion de los discos voladores

La Lune et ses défis a la science

La Memoire des OVNI

La noche de los centinelas

La propulsion des soucoupes volantes

La Propulsion des Soucoupes Volantes

La punta del iceberg

La Rumeur de Roswell

La Vague de 1954 en Belgique

La vie vent d'une intelligence supérieure

L'affaire Adamski - Preuves et contre-enqute

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